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Thursday, December 29, 2011
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Sunday, December 25, 2011
Reliance Controls THP202 Automatic Phone Out Alarm with 2 Functions
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Post Date : Dec 25, 2011 11:12:47 | Usually ships in 24 hours
Phone-Out Alarm 2 Sensor, Keypad Base Unit Plugs Into Phone Line & Electrical Outlet, Internal Temperature & Power Outage Sensors Monitor Home For Power Failure & Low Temperature, Base Unit Calls Up To 3 Telephone Numbers Anywhere In NorthAmerica When Problem Occurs, Identifies Specific Problem With Voice Message Followed By User Instructions For Remote Deactivation, Clamshell, Battery Included.
- Ideal for monitoring homes, condos, cottages, outbuildings, cabins, and businesses
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- Includes 9-volt backup battery
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Sunday, December 18, 2011
10 Ways to Kill Bed Bugs Yourself - Or at Least Control Them
Killing bed bugs yourself can be a daunting task. They can hide under base boards, the back of dresser drawers, behind light switches... just about anywhere. The adult bed bug is about the size of an apple seed and flat, until they feed that is. While bed bugs are not a heath danger (do not carry or transmit diseases), they are enough to keep you awake at night just thinking about them. A single bed bug bite can easily be mistaken for a mosquito bite and written off as such giving them time to multiply. Once you find one you can be assured that there are hundreds if not thousands more.
In the long run, a full blown infestation might require a professional exterminator. After all, how many is to many? Before you decide to take action, there are a couple of things to keep in mind. Bed bugs can live a year without feeding on a hosts blood (usually you). An adult female can lay 200 - 500 eggs in her lifetime. It generally takes an egg 50 days to mature. So whether you're a do-it-yourselfer or hire a pro, it will take several treatments and constant observation. With that said... If the problem has not gotten to far out of control there are several ways to win the fight against bedbugs. The first 3 listed here are required no matter what you do next
1* Wash everything in site in the hottest water you can find. Begbugs start dying off at around 114 degrees F. Then use a dryer on its hottest setting. Not out on the line to air dry. Temperature is key. In hot, dry climates (Phoenix for example) it is just as effective to out your bedding and cloths in a black garbage bag and set it out in the sun for an afternoon.
2* Vacuum. Vacuum every corner, crook and cranny. Vacuum the drapes, the box springs, the furniture, etc. Vacuum like your life depended on it. Bed bugs are not dirty critters. They don't care about crumbs or old food like cockroaches. But they need vacuumed up and then take the whole vacuum cleaner outside to change bags... Vacuum again.
3* Steam Clean. Now that you have their attention, combine #1 and #2. Put hot, HOT water in the steam cleaner and go over the room again.
4* Just as effective as heat is, cold works also. Problem is that it needs to stay below freezing for 2 weeks to work.
5* Biological warfare. Prior to WWII beg bugs were all but eliminated. Around that time the government outlawed DDTs. Sense then there numbers have been rising and forced tamer chemicals and traps. There are numerous chemicals on the market but nearly all of them are not intended to touch the skin. These are best meant for non-traffic areas, box springs, drapes, etc.
6* Mattress Bags. Depending on the level of bedbug infestation, your best bet may be to discard the mattress all together. For milder cases, the chemicals from #5 can be sprinkled on and injected into the mattress before you seal it in a waterproof mattress bag. They start at about and go up depending on the size needed.
7* Diatomaceous Earth. This is the alternative to harsh chemicals. It is an all natural powder ground up from little tiny fossils of single-celled algae. They even put it in dog food as a preservative. On a microscopic level it has jagged edges that cut and kill the bedbugs as they crawl across it. Basically it is just dirt.
8* Traps and Tape. This is more for monitoring but flypaper, roach traps and the like will allow you to keep tabs on how effective your efforts have been so far. And then from any shipping supply store you can pickup double sided sticky tape to wrap around the sides of the mattress. Yet another way to trap and monitor bed bug traffic.
9* Thyme and tree leaf oil. These are a repellent more then anything else. It does not kill them. They get a whiff of it and head the other way. But remember that bed bugs can live a year without feeding so they are still reproducing.
10* Neem. Neem oil and neem extract. If you find that you have been attacked by bed bugs, this will sooth the itching and moisturize the skin. Matter of fact it is good for the skin whether you have bed bugs or not. Bonus is that it keeps the bedbugs off of you while sleeping.
There we have 7 ways to kill bed bugs and a few ways to monitor your progress in controlling bed bugs. The more you combine the above recommendations the better luck you will have before the need for an exterminator. Just a work of warning though... if you do break down and need to hire an exterminator, they will ask you to clean up anyway before they even show up. Get rid of clutter. ' ziplock ' bag all cloths, bedding, sheets, and so on. Vacuum and basically do everything mentioned above in 1 though 3.
In closing, know that before you begin, it will take weeks and months of constant cleaning, washing, monitoring, vacuuming over and over again to successfully kill the bed bugs throughout there whole life cycle. And hopefully you can catch it before it spreads through out the house. All it takes is a couple of stowaways in the laundry, luggage, sleeping bags or any fabric that you tote around.
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Monday, December 12, 2011
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Friday, December 2, 2011
What to Do With a Hot Tub in the Wintertime
There are many things one can do with a hot tub in the wintertime. Many people have used their hot tubs to watch the snow fall from either inside or outside. Those places who have frigid temperatures such as the areas in NY and NJ will definitely have some cold weather to contend with, and may want to use their spa. There is something very relaxing about watching gently falling snow while sitting snugly in the hot tubs in NY or hot tubs in NJ. People who have cold weather will appreciate tips for their tub in the wintertime.
Wintertime hot tub storage requires a little more maintenance than they do other times of the year. An individual who owns a spa and wants to keep it running throughout the winter months needs to check to see whether or not it has an auto freeze control. They need to monitor this setting to make sure that it is activated throughout the winter months.
They are pleasurable to use in the wintertime, but they do need a bit more attention in the winter months. If the particular device does not have an anti-freeze mechanism on it, it is a good idea to set the cycle to come on every 15 minutes or so, so the spa in question will not freeze when the weather gets frosty. Another tip for the owner is to check with the manufacturer for any specific cold weather requirements for the device. One can also make sure if there is no freeze regulator on the apparatus to keep the pipes warm, and to keep the tub running on low 24 hours a day to prevent freezing problems.
Using hot tub dealers in the New Jersey and New York area makes sense for those living in the area. They have a variety of spas with all sorts of temperature ranges and controls on them. They can assist customers with questions and tips on how to regulate hot tub chemicals and filters during blizzards and warm spells. There are companies that are based all over the state and many have free shipping on orders over 65. It is a good idea for customers who live in cold climates to get their spa from areas that deal with cold weather on a constant basis. They are more likely to have appropriate models of spas in stock.
The new spa owner should make sure that they understand the requirements of these spas, and choose the hot tub that will work the best for them. Many of the New York and New Jersey dealers service the tri-state area with free delivery.
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Monday, November 28, 2011
Refrigerator Icemaker Operation
Most refrigerator icemakers perform the following functions.
Water Valve Switching - When certain conditions are met, a switch is closed in the icemaker head which allows AC current to flow to the icemaker "fill" water valve, which is located in the bottom, rear area of refrigerator.
Temperature Monitoring - When the inside temperature of the freezer reaches 15 F the icemaker switches the water valve "on" to allow water flow to fill the ice tray. If there is ice in the tray, 15F will not be reached since the ice temperature will keep the icemaker thermistor at roughly 32F and a harvest cycle may be triggered instead.
Heater - When the temperature holds at the 32F range for a period of time a harvest mode is triggered. A heater will activate and heat the bottom of the ice tray. The icemaker fingers will start to rotate to remove and drop ice cubes from the tray. At the end of the harvest cycle the water valve will turn "on" for approximately 8 seconds to fill the tray.
You may recognize the hard-tray type of icemaker by the shape of the cube it puts out. The hard-tray Whirlpool and Kenmore icemakers produces half-moon shaped cubes. The flex-tray produces rounded rectangular cubes. The hard tray is finished in a dark gray or black color and has rotating fingers that eject the cubes from the unit. The flex-tray has a white plastic, flexible tray that inverts and twists to eject, much the same as a manual ice cube tray would work. The hard-tray is operated with a timer and is the most common refrigerator icemaker arrangement.
This most common icemaker, the hard-tray uses an integrated timer which is located in the icemaker head. Whether the compressor is running or not the icemaker motor has voltage applied to it. You cannot advance the icemaker like you can advance a defrost timer but on most models you can access the test points to put into harvest mode. You can also bypass the integrated thermistor to trick the icemaker into a harvest cycle and also test the water valve functionality.
To remove, unplug the refrigerator power cord. Obtain a shop light and extension cord to give yourself enough light to see what you are doing. Remove three hex head screws with a hex driver. Two are located along the top of the icemaker and one is on the bottom. The screws will secure the icemaker to the inside side wall of the refrigerator. When the icemaker is loosened, carefully disconnect the power connector and slide the icemaker carefully from the water tube.
When reinstalling the module be very careful to secure it to the side-wall with the water tube securely orientated so that water flows directly into the ice tray without spillage. Carefully inspect when finished. Re secure the power connector and reinstall the plastic cover if necessary.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Presenting - Alex Winch & the Beaches Solar Laundromat
Over the last couple of years I have had the opportunity to interview many interesting personalities: tourism experts, authors, philanthropists, and enlightened entrepreneurs. For my article series about Toronto's Beach neighbourhood, I have specifically been looking to interview business owners who have come up with socially and environmentally innovative business ideas.
Michael Prue, the Provincial Member of Parliament for the Beaches / East York, pointed me in the direction of Alex Winch, owner of the Beach Solar Laundromat. You might think - a laundromat, how can that be an interesting business? Well, read on and you will see that this business and its owner are definitely outside the norm.
Early this cold Thursday morning I met Alex at his premises on Queen Street East and got an introduction to this unusual business. When Alex bought the laundromat in 2002 it was outdated and dingy, so Alex got to work and replaced almost half the washers and dryers with new high-efficiency machines. He also put the place through a complete cosmetic overhaul and brightened it up considerably.
But where it gets really interesting is behind the scenes, where the entire operational process of the laundromat was redesigned. Alex always wanted to turn this business into a leading-edge environmentally sustainable business. So in October of 2002 he ordered eight solar panels which were commissioned in December of 2002. Alex had planned all along to use solar energy for heating the water needed in his laundry facility.
Alex explained that the eight solar panels on his building's roof measure about 250 square feet and were installed by a company named Solcan, located in London, Ontario. The thermal panels include a layer of black copper with a four inch copper vane that contains a three/eighth's inch copper tube with antifreeze flowing through it. This antifreeze consists of food-grade propylene glycol and transfers the heat energy from the roof through the entire system down to a heat exchanger in the basement. Even if there was a leak in the antifreeze conduits, this would not contaminate the water supply.
The anti-freeze has a freezing point of -25 degrees Celsius at which point the glycol gels, shutting down the solar water heating system since the glycol simply stops moving inside the tubes. In this case a natural gas backup boiler system kicks in and starts heating the water.
In the interest of making his business more environmentally sustainable, Alex has also replaced the lighting system and installed new high-efficiency fluorescent tubes that are under an aluminum reflector. The reflector essentially doubles the light output of the actual fluorescent tubes. Combined with high-efficiency electronic lighting ballasts, this measure alone has resulted in lighting energy savings of 72%. Alex adds that these energy-conservation measures are important since the lights in his business are on for 18 hours a day, 7 days a week.
One of the first things that Alex explained to me was an air handler above the door which draws warm moist air in from the Laundromat, runs it through coils and dehumidifies the air. The condensation is captured and gets transferred through a pipe system into a basement drain. The condensate water is not re-used in the laundromat out of concern for lint contamination of the water.
To illustrate the operation of his company's solar water heating system, Alex took me into the basement where he showed me an assortment of water tanks, piping and sophisticated measuring equipment that calculates the actual energy output and natural gas displacement provided by this solar water heating system.
In the basement there are two different water heating systems: the solar heating system that works with a heat exchanger and a 200 gallon warm water storage tank, and a backup natural gas heating system that uses a natural gas boiler with a separate a 100 gallon hot water storage tank. The separate 100 gallon storage tank replaces two 200 gallon storage tanks that were previously used. The new natural gas boiler can heat 100 gallons of water in seven minutes, and this new smaller and more efficient system provides "just-in-time" water heating, and only heats water when needed. The additional benefit of this system is that it stores a much smaller quantity of hot water which significantly reduces energy losses from water storage.
The building's brick chimney was knocked down to roof-level and now serves as a conduit for the pipes holding the glycol that circulates up to the solar panels on the roof. From the panels the heated glycol then travels back down to the basement, passes through a heat exchanger and heats the hot water for the laundry facilities. A second heat exchanger heats water that circulates through the radiators and provides the space heating for the building. An air conditioning system links three different air handlers in the building The water temperature for the laundry is 120 degrees Fahrenheit (about 55 degrees Celsius) which is just enough to dissolve laundry soap, resulting in no additional heat loss.
All the heating and cooling processes are controlled by thermostats, and a sophisticated measurement system calculates how much natural gas has been saved by using solar energy. This measurement system is connected to a website on the Internet ( which provides live energy monitoring to anybody who is curious.
The website also provides a "live laundry cam" that allows customers of the Beach Solar Laundromat to see how busy the Laundromat is. Alex has installed a low-resolution camera to improve customer service so his clients can conveniently check from home when a good time for doing laundry would be. A second high-resolution camera, whose images are not publicly available, was installed for security purposes since the laundromat is not regularly staffed. Some of the clients were originally concerned about the cameras' intrusion on their privacy, but once Alex explained that the low resolution cameras would not provide sufficiently clear pictures to identify them (or their dirty laundry), those concerns were alleviated.
Obviously Alex has a great connection to technology, and as he was trying to explain the intricate details of his solar heating system to me - a total novice to things such as heat exchangers and volumetric flow meters - I asked him if he was an engineer. He explained that he graduated in 1985 from engineering physics at Queens University. Four years later he added the designation of chartered financial analyst to his resume and set up his own company to sell research about Canadian stocks to US hedge funds. In 1990 he started his first hedge fund which was followed in 1993 by the opening of an office at 667 Park Avenue in New York City. Based on his success, he retired in 1995, an event he refers to as "Freedom 31".
After that point he became a major shareholder in a casino company, volunteered as head of investor relations and became the Chairman of the Board. Alex was not happy with the way things were run at that company and demanded that various changes be made. When management did not respond to his concerns he left in 2002 and launched a hostile proxy fight threat, in other words he threatened to take over the company. Alex had talked to all the shareholders, and they were prepared to vote for change. Alex demanded that the President resign or he was going to "kick him out".
Management initially ignored the threat, and three days later all of the management and the Board of Directors resigned and named him as the contact for the company. Alex explained that in a public company you cannot do that, officers cannot simply walk away from their responsibility. His lawyers advised him not to do anything. A few days later another discussion ensued with the management and Alex stated that he was not going to file the hostile proxy papers. Instead he wanted management to make the changes he had requested, otherwise he would sue them for willful damages.
The casino company's management responded by issuing a statement rescinding their resignation and implementing the changes that Alex had demanded. Over the last few years the stock value has multiplied seven times, the company is profitable and Alex Winch is one of the largest shareholders.
At that time Alex was generally disenchanted with public capital markets, and decided to create his own small business. Living just five minutes away, he immediately looked at the laundromat when it became available for sale and concluded that it might be an opportunity for an interesting engineering project. And that's how the story started.
Alex' interesting business model for the laundromat also includes a wash and fold service that is offered by two local ladies from Monday to Friday between 1 and 7 pm. The "fluff and fold" service affords customers the convenience of simply dropping off their laundry and picking it up completely done later. Alex does not charge the two ladies for running their business out of his laundromat, but his business benefits from greater capacity utilization and load-shifting from the busy evening and weekend hours to less busy daytime hours, creating a win-win situation for his business, the wash and fold service providers and the customers. Alex Winch always strives to find solutions that will provide the greatest possible benefit to everyone concerned.
But Alex's knowledge of renewable energy generation and innovative business models did not stop with the Beach Solar Laundromat: Alex combined his unique process of on-site energy generation and monitoring and turned it into a successful international commercial venture. Alex founded Mondial Energy, a company with global capabilities to install solar water heating equipment, complete with the requisite monitoring systems, that generates solar thermal energy at the customer's site and charges for the solar heat energy generated, regardless of where they might be located.
The advantage to the customer is that they do not have to invest in the expensive up-front capital costs to get their solar water heating systems up and running. Instead, Mondial owns and operates the hardware to generate the energy, and it assumes the maintenance responsibility for the equipment. Customers are then billed at a fixed monthly rate, based on how much energy the equipment generates.
For customers the ability to lock in energy costs is an important factor in an environment of fluctuating and increasing energy prices. In addition, the price of the solar energy delivered is lower than the cost of a comparable amount of natural gas, making this an increasingly attractive alternative to conventional natural gas water heating. Last, but not least, energy production is completely green, free of greenhouse gases.
Today, Alex is involved in several large-scale sustainable energy retrofitting projects in Toronto: In November 2006, Mondial Energy commissioned a renewable thermal energy system for the domestic water needs at a 172 suite senior's residence, operated by a local non-profit organization called Neighbourhood Link Homes. Mondial installed 60 flat plate solar panels which are expected to reduce annual carbon dioxide emissions by 40.3 tonnes and will bill Neighbourhood Link monthly at affordable rates.
Solar energy generated by Mondial Energy will also provide water heating at Wood Green Community Housing Inc., a 170 unit social housing site on Queen Street East in Toronto. 108 solar panels will displace an estimated 32,000 cubic meters of gas, resulting in 53 tons of greenhouse gas emission reductions per year.
Alex explains that at the present time his system is most well-suited for commercial or multi-unit residential buildings. The economics for single-family private homes do not yet work so well, particularly since Canada offers very few incentives to switch away from conventional energy sources. As a result he focuses on medium to large size projects. Several substantial commercial projects are currently being negotiated, including a major hotel in Atlanta and a casino hotel in Reno. Mondial Energy is also bidding on a large-scale solar water heating project in Hawaii. Contacts throughout the United States have been very receptive to his unique way of on-site thermal energy generation. In a way, Alex explains, he has come full circle: he went from being involved with big corporations to becoming a small entrepreneur and is now back to dealing with big business.
For his innovative sustainable energy efforts Alex has received numerous awards, including the Bremen Partnership Award (the "Bremer Umweltpreis" - The Bremen Environmental Award) for providing high customer value, wide use in the community, sustainable use of water and solar energy and for providing additional value in terms of "social dimensions".
Alex himself is so highly committed to sustainable energy that his company Mondial Energy has become a partner in creating the Annual Tourism Climate Change Awards. Two awards of ,000, sponsored by Mondial, will be handed out in November 2007:
o A World Tourism Responsible Energy Award with a global focus
o A Mission Africa Responsible Energy Award focusing on Africa
The Judging Panel for the Award will include prominent figures from global organizations such as Maurice Strong from the Rio Earth Summit, Jose Maria Figueres (past-president of Costa Rica), as well as representatives of the National Geographic Society and the UNWTO (World Tourism Organization). With this award Alex has indicated his commitment to raising the profile of finding Climate Change Solutions for the tourism sector.
Alex demonstrates his commitment to sustainable living even in the selection of some of his personal accessories: he showed me his Citizen Eco-Drive Watch, a stylish looking timepiece whose face is a photovoltaic cell that powers the watch, eliminating the need for batteries. Alex said the watch will work for 270 days without exposure to light and Citizen's marketing slogans often refer to this timepiece as "unstoppable".
Unstoppable is a moniker that could equally be applied to Alex Winch - Alex will not stop until his mission to do his part in reducing greenhouse emissions is accomplished.
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Tuesday, November 22, 2011
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Wednesday, November 16, 2011
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Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Some Early Beginnings of Global Warming, Its Causes, and How We Will Yet GREEN Our Earth
Global warming is the result of mankind's greed and selfishness. We have known it was going to catch up with us since I was in college in the early 1950's. We were aware fluorocarbons were destroying the ozone layers, yet we were continuing to dump refrigerants into the atmosphere without regard of how they would destroy the beautiful world God created for us. The Corporations that produced the gases used in the refrigeration and spray can industries, and the engineers that designed equipment and other things, were aware of the damage they were doing. They and we looked the other way thinking it would be a long time before we felt the hurt.
I grew up in the refrigeration industry, as did my father before me, and his father before him. My grandfather designed the first mechanical ice plants to store beer and other perishable products, including meat, produce, and ice for the home icebox. The first mass production freezer belts that froze vegetables, meat and pies were tunnels where fluorocarbons were sprayed in liquid form directly on the raw products. After the liquid froze the product it evaporated, and as the heavier gas fell to the bottom of the tunnel it was exhausted into the air outside. There was no attempt at recovery. This went on until fluorocarbons were phased out completely in 1996 by the Montreal Protocol.
The ozone layer is a layer in the Earth's atmosphere containing relatively high concentrations of ozone (O3). This layer absorbs approximately 94% of the sun's high frequency ultraviolet light. If it is not absorbed, life as we know it ends. Charles Fabry and Henri Buisson discovered the ozone layer in 1913. G.M.B. Dobson explored its properties. He established a worldwide network of ozone monitoring stations between 1928 and 1958, which continue to operate today.
The ozone layer can be depleted by free radical catalysts, including atomic bromine (Br), atomic chlorine (Cl), hydroxyl (OH), and nitric oxide (NO). While there are natural sources for all these compounds, the concentrations of bromine and chlorine have increased due to the release of large quantities of manmade organohalogen compounds, especially bromofluorcarbons and chlorofluorocarbons (CFC). These highly stable compounds are capable of surviving the rise to the stratosphere where Cl and Br radicals are liberated by the action of ultraviolet light. Their lifetime is 50 to 100 years, and much of the world is still dumping them. These elements cause the ozone holes we have all heard about. This was only one of the causes that could have been completely avoided, and it to lead to the warming of the temperature at the poles and the subsequent rising sea level.
With the price of gas at .10 a gallon, and heating oil suppliers demanding up to .00 a gallon for prepaid contracts, (with an additional 0 a year insurance policy to guarantee the supplier is paid if the price goes above .00 a gallon) some people may be forced to choose between heating their home, putting gas in the car, or food on the table. It is little consolation that customers will be refunded the difference if the price of the heating oil averages less than .00 at the end of the heating season.
In the long term these high-energy prices may work to our advantage. Some overseas businesses have already come home due to the high cost of shipping, and we will be forced to cut back on our carbon producing activities. The Electric Power Companies are already thinking about what to do with the carbon dioxide. They are designing methods using algae to capture the Carbon Dioxide from coal burning plants. A team at Ohio University created a photo bioreactor that uses photosynthesis to grow algae, then passing the carbon dioxide from the plant over collection membranes. The algae grown by this process can be used to make biodiesel fuel and feed for animals.
The future uses of algae products produced by coal burning power plants will replace the wood products used in activated carbon. Sweetfilter uses Zeocarbon as our chemical to remove stink pipe odor. Zeocarbon is a proprietary mixture of Zeolite and activated carbon. Zeolite is a natural volcanic rock. Currently the activated carbon used in Zeocarbon is derived from wood products but this will change. We will work together to save this island home, our Earth, and make it GREEN again!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
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Friday, October 28, 2011
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